Ongoing and New Construction Projects

Ongoing and New Construction Projects
Projects planned for Fiscal Year 2025 are as follows:
Gravity Pipeline Rehabilitation Project
Field Services Staff continues to conduct Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections of the collection system. As a result, significant defects are continuously being discovered in numerous pipeline segments and manholes that require rehabilitation or repair to prevent spills. Staff uses the Repair Priority List to maintain a priority listing of gravity pipeline and manhole defects requiring repair or rehabilitation. Staff has implemented a system of alternating fiscal year projects between open trench construction and Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) / Cured-In-Place Manhole (CIPM) Lining methods to correct defects. The FY25 Gravity Pipeline Rehabilitation Project will consist of open trench construction to repair a total of 3 sewer line segments; 2 sewer line segments totaling 650 linear feet will be replaced due to major sags and 1 sewer line segment will have approximately 50’ of deformed pipe replaced.
Diana Pump Station Upgrade Project
The Diana Pump Station was constructed as a submersible pump station in 2010. The 2023 Asset Management Plan (AMP) recommended that an upgrade to the pump station be completed to include a pump control upgrade, replacement of the main breaker, and a pump replacement. Currently, the pump station does not have an emergency generator for operation during a loss of power. The District identified an unused property belonging to the Beach Walk Home Owner’s Association (HOA) that is adequately sized for an emergency generator that exists across the street. In April 2024, the HOA approved the easement sale. As a result, the District started final design in May 2024.
Rancho Verde Pump Station Rehabilitation
As part of the Asset Management Plan, the 2019 Pump Station Assessment conducted by Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) recommended the rehabilitation of the Rancho Verde Pump Station (RVPS). RVPS is a submersible pump station constructed in 1996. The project includes mechanical and electrical upgrades along with site improvements. The pump station requires drainage and layout improvements. The wet well and valve vault have access issues and the electrical panel requires relocation to allow for Vactor access. A wall around the site was recommended to direct drainage into the street away from the pump station and the electrical panel. The rehabilitation will increase collection system reliability, resiliency, and improve operations / maintenance activities. The Notice to Proceed was issued in May 2024. Construction of the project is ongoing.
Leucadia (L1) Force Main Condition Assessment
The 2023 Asset Management Plan included a recommendation to perform a condition assessment on section(s) of the L1 Force Main ductile iron pipe. To accomplish this, the metallic pipe will be exposed at selected high points and removed. The condition of the pipeline and protective wrapping surrounding the pipeline will be assessed. The results of this assessment will determine any future course of action regarding the L1 Force Main.
Pump Station Condition Assessment
The 2023 AMP recommended a condition assessment to evaluate all components (controls, electrical, mechanical and structural) of the District's Saxony, La Costa, Avocado, Batiquitos Pump Stations be completed in FY25. The AMP recommended a condition assessment to evaluate only the electrical and controls of the District's Village Park 5 Pump Station be completed in FY25. The results of this assessment will justify and provide the foundation for future pump station rehabilitation work for the designated pump stations.
San Marcos Creek Pipeline Diversion Project
In May 2023, District staff performed routine maintenance activities on the La Costa Omni Golf Course and discovered an exposed section of concrete encased gravity sewer line that crosses the San Marcos Creek. This concrete encasement has not been visible in previous inspections and is attributed to the unprecedented amount of rain that San Diego County received in 2023. In January 2024, an emergency repair to the compromised crossing was complete. This project will permanently divert flow from the compromised creek crossing to an existing sewer line further east in a fortified Arizona Crossing. The District started final design in March 2024.
Batiquitos Pump Station Emergency Basin Rehabilitation
In FY23, the District performed a condition assessment of the emergency basin which included visual evaluations and collecting concrete cores from within the structure. The assessment found that the originally installed lining system has failed, the concrete throughout the structure was soft and the interior concrete surfaces of the emergency basin have significantly degraded. As a result, it is recommended to repair the surface concrete and install a new lining system within the next few years. In the meantime, the District has modified the operation of the emergency basin in order to reduce the concrete exposure to hydrogen sulfide which should decrease the rate of future concrete degradation. The District started final design in April 2024.