Pile Driving Work at Batiquitos Lagoon to Take Place January 25-26
On Saturday, January 25, and Sunday, January 26, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Build NCC crews will perform pile driving work within the Batiquitos Lagoon in Carlsbad. Pile driving is a construction technique that allows crews to install steel beams, or “piles,” into the ground to construct a temporary work platform.
This pile driving work is being performed during North County Transit District (NCTD)’s Absolute Work Window and is necessary for crews to be able to construct temporary work platforms adjacent to the existing Batiquitos Lagoon rail bridge. Once the temporary work platforms are completed, crews will be able to safely construct a new modern, concrete double track bridge across the Batiquitos Lagoon.
During work hours, nearby residents and businesses can expect intermittent but continual construction noise from pile driving equipment and vehicle back-up alarms required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The goal is to complete all pile driving work by April.
Crews will work to minimize noise and impacts to nearby communities as much as possible during construction.
What to Expect
Intermittent but continual construction noise from pile driving equipment and vehicle back-up alarms
Construction vehicles moving in and out of the work areas at Avenida Encinas and Ponto Drive in Carlsbad as well as La Costa Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard in Encinitas
Project equipment and materials stored alongside the railroad tracks within NCTD’s right-of-way
Erosion control measures to minimize potential environmental impacts and preserve the health of the Batiquitos Lagoon and surrounding habitat
If lane closures are necessary, detour signage and flaggers will be in place to help guide travelers through the work area.
Nearby residents and businesses may hear increased train horns during construction. Federal regulations require train conductors to sound the horn when approaching an active construction site (even in a quiet zone) to warn railroad workers a train is approaching. This helps ensure the safety of crews working on or near the rail line. More information and rules governing the use of train horns can be found on the Federal Railroad Administration's website at railroads.dot.gov.
For more information, see the full notice by SANDAG - San Diego Association of Governments Build NCC here https://mailchi.mp/sandag/build-ncc-alert-nb-i-5-on-ramp-and-eb-sr-78-connector-closures-825-6098059?e=c50c9848fb