November 23, 2021

Did you hear the news?💧

Much clearer disposal information for wet wipes is coming to a shelf near you! After years of legislative work, Assembly Bill 818 has been signed into law by the Governor! This bill establishes the “Do Not Flush” wipes labeling & public education requirements in the country. This is a huge win for consumers, the wastewater sector, and for the environment!

Check out this interview with Jessica Gauger, Director of Legal Advocacy and Public Affairs for the California Association of Sanitation Agencies and Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (LVMWD) to learn about the damage "flushable" wipes can inflict on our sewer systems➡️

#Leucadia #Carlsbad #Encinitas #Wastewater #Environment #WipesClogPipes #LasVirgenesMWD #CASA