November 30, 2021


How Drought Affects Wastewater Collection⬇️

On July 8, 2021, the Governor declared California is experiencing another severe drought and asked all Californians to voluntarily conserve water usage by fifteen percent. Unlike wildfires, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, droughts do not occur over a few days. In fact, it takes months to determine when a drought has begun and ended. Thus, we may not be immediately impacted by this event, but over time the impacts to public health, the economy, and the environment can be potentially significant.

To help safeguard the District’s infrastructure and plan for natural disasters, the District developed a Hazard Resiliency Plan. The Plan was recently updated in February 2021 to reflect the most recent information on natural hazards ranging from rising tides to wildfires. The Plan incorporated ongoing District infrastructure improvements needed to mitigate natural hazards, such as, installation of new pumps that can run underwater, vegetation management and the installation of flexible couplings on pipes at railroad crossings designed to withstand earthquakes.

To view the Plan, please visit

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